Hey Heather, it's me again.

Chrome extensions - Versioning

Hey Heather, it's me again.

I have a plan to build a Chrome extension from a small project I did a few years(!!) ago. The idea is that it’ll add the amount of time it takes to read an article next to the title or the comments on a Hacker News page. This could be extended to other pages with article lists, and ideally the user should be able to edit speed of reading in words/minute.

Well first of all, what even is a Chrome extension?? How do they work? Who is its daddy, and what does he do? Well the Google documentation is pretty clear, its first section is titled “What are extensions?” and like I had mentioned they just sound like tiny websites that do one thing. This is very much like the Unix philosophy of “building simple, short, clear, modular, and extensible code”. I’ll keep this in mind as I go forward.

Slow and steady

I’m going through this in a pretty slow manner. Mainly because I want to stop at questions I’ve had and never got a chance to go through because I’ve felt rushed in a I need to know everything now! kind of way. Hopefully it’ll help me just learn things that may seem obvious to others. So the first step in the Getting Started tutorial is to create the manifest.json file. Here’s an example:

    "name": "Manifest",
    "author": "Andrew Bird",
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "My finest work yet",
    "manifest_version": 2

Pretty straight forward. But this leads me to wonder about version numbers. We see them all the time right? I see them when I update my system. I’ve never had to number a version of an application though. The only thing that sounds close to that are the papers I wrote in school. It kinda seems dumb, right? We had an old version, and now we have a new version so the number goes up. But when do you decide that the number goes up? Let’s take a moment to look it up!


Let’s start with the Wikipedia page on Versioning. Any time I update my system I see something more along the lines of 3.5.1, which is a Sequence-based identifier. I’m pretty sure every update I see uses Semantic Versioning(SemVer). What does it mean? Well first of all, it applies to applications that declare a public API. That means that it wouldn’t generally apply to a website. Although maybe there could be a way to harness the power of versioning to convince people to clear their cache.. Get our new CSS, NOW! More JavaScript, woo! No one wants that. Sites and applications however often depend on libraries, or components, or packages, or plugins, ohmy! So if you’re using the public API of any of these, that tells you “this is how to use me!” and they change the way you’re supposed to use it, you’re gonna have a bad time. Hence the use of versioning as means to communicate the type of update that was done. SemVer suggests “a simple set of rules and requirements that dictate how version numbers are assigned and incremented” and it goes like this MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Baffled? Well it just means that if your update is incompatible with the public API that was declared, then you increment the MAJOR number. If it’s an update to a functionality and is backwards-compatible then you increment the MINOR, and if it’s a backwards-compatible bug fixes, PATCH. The F.A.Q. on SemVer’s page is a pretty great resource and I invite you to take a gander if you’ve ever wondered about versioning. It answered my question about why some would start with 0 as in 0.1.2. Answer: It’s used in the initial development stage.

Another important thing related to versioning not mentioned on the SemVer page is the almighty ChANgELoG. Which is named explicitly for what it is but no one can decide how to type it. It’s a summary that should be understandable to a person. You can see the keep a changelog site for details. If you change your API, here is where you would tell everyone how it changed. The combination of these processes makes for a clearer history. You can be oblivious to a lot of this when you use a package manager. Not that you wouldn’t use one but I mean there’s a pretty big difference in a package going from 2.8.0 to either 3.0.0 or 2.9.0. You’re kind of missing out on important communication when you don’t know what these numbers signify and how they work within the general environment. It also looks like information that everyone just kind of knows, so it’s easy to see how someone can just go along with it and increase numbers without understanding what it’s supposed to communicate.

Wait, this was about the Chrome Extension

Indeed it was! SO! Coming back to the Chrome Extension. What does it mean for us here? Google has documentation that specifies a few rules and mentions that they have an autoupdate in place. The first version of the Chrome extension that will be published will be version 1.0. If I make any updates then I’ll adjust accordingly. If I had been developing the extension in a collaborative manner then I could’ve started with 0.1.0. I can still use this to plan each step I’m going through. The first being just getting through the tutorial. And anything to do with what I specifically want to build will start at 0.2.0. We’ll see how progress goes.

In conclusion

Wow. I didn’t know I’d talk so much about versioning and spend a whole day thinking about it. I thought I’d just mention it and then go on about chrome.webRequest API. I had a note about synchronous and asynchronous calls so I thought maybe I’d get to that. To be honest though the specific note is “Oooo synchronous and asynchronous calls! Exciting stuff!” I mean it is but that note doesn’t mean anything. Oh well! That’ll be for another time then! byyeee

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